
2024 Private Farm Tours

Come join us for a private interactive tour of our fully functioning fiber farm. Get up close and personal with all of our lovely fibered friends, including our sheep, angora goats, angora rabbits, and of course what we are most well known for, our Llamas! You’ll even be given the opportunity to take one of our beautiful and friendly llamas for a little walk! What could be more fun than that?


We offer private tours year round (weather permitting) and 7 days a week by appointment only. There is a $50 minimum charge for 2 or fewer people for the hour, 3 or more people is $20 per person per hour, and children under 2 are just $10/each. Call us anytime to schedule your tour, our animals can’t wait to meet you!

Specialized groups and organizations, please call the office for pricing. 





 Clockwise: Jennifer Andrus with "Frannie", The O'Haras, Murrays, and Hannsgens with "Louise", The Peluso Family with "Double", Jenna and Cali with "Double"


Clockwise: Kerrianne's son Aidan with the goats, Kelvin and his friends and family with "Mac", Katie's three boys with the sheep, Lauren meets Pansy